
Personal cybersecurity: How to protect your privacy in a digital environment

In the era in which we find ourselves, it is common that we are immersed in the digital world, so we enter a large amount of data and some are shared without us realizing it, through banking transactions or entering social networks.

Given this vulnerability, it is important that we take measures to protect our privacy and thus avoid possible cyber threats. This time we will tell you everything you need to know about the risks on the Internet and how you can protect your personal data.

Risks on the Internet

We will start by explaining what you are exposed to when you surf the Internet to make you a little more aware of all the risks you need to avoid

Malware and viruses

These are programs designed to damage or compromise the security of your devices. This can cause the theft of personal information, track online activities, block access to some files or cause damage to your system.


Surely you have heard this term, it is the method used by cybercriminals to obtain confidential information, such as: passwords, credit card details or bank details. It usually happens through fake emails or websites that imitate reputable companies or legitimate institutions.

Identity theft

This is something very frequent, when another person's information is used without their consent to commit fraud, make purchases or any illegal activity. This can have serious consequences for the victim,

Phishing (pharming)

This is a technique in which cybercriminals redirect users to fake websites in order to obtain personal or financial information. It lends itself to users entering data on sites believing them to be legitimate.

Online harassment (cyberbullying).

This includes bullying or defamation of a person through the internet. It can occur in the form of insults on social networks, spreading rumors, posting offensive content, etc. Which can have a negative impact on the emotional and mental health of the people who are victims.

Data leaks and privacy breaches

This occurs when information is exposed unintentionally, without the consent of the individual, usually when such data is misused. It can occur through hacking, physical theft of electronic devices or human error in sending confidential information to the wrong person.

Types of privacy breaches

Below we will talk about the different forms of privacy violations that exist so that you do not fall victim to them.

Unauthorized Access

This occurs when someone gains unauthorized access to personal information or protected computer systems. Hackers may use techniques such as password cracking, using stolen credentials or exploiting security vulnerabilities to gain access to private data.

Surveillance and espionage

Surveillance and spying: Surveillance and spying occurs when personal information is collected without the consent of the individual concerned. This may include intercepting communications, monitoring online activities, using hidden cameras, or unauthorized location tracking.

Unauthorized use of personal information

This occurs when someone uses personal information without the individual's consent or in accordance with purposes other than those intended. It may include selling personal data to third parties, sending spam or creating profiles without consent.

Profiling and targeted advertising

Many companies collect a large amount of information from online users in order to send targeted advertising based on the interests or profile of those users. On this point there are divided opinions because it is not a direct violation of privacy, but invites informed consent.

Disclosure of confidential information 

This occurs when private or confidential information is disclosed without consent. It may be the result of a security breach or it may be an intentional leak or human error.

Tips for protecting your users' data

As an Internet service provider, you have a responsibility to do everything possible to protect your users' data. This involves implementing security measures to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Here are some of the measures you can take:

Data encryption

Data encryption: Use encryption protocols (such as SSL/TLS) to protect the transmission of sensitive data, such as passwords or financial information, between the user and your platform. You can also encrypt the data stored in your database.

Secure authentication

Implement a strong authentication system to prevent unauthorized access to your users' accounts. Consider using strong passwords, password policies, two-factor authentication (2FA) or other forms of secure authentication.

Regular updates.

Regular updates: Keep your system and applications up to date with the latest security patches. This will help protect against known vulnerabilities and common attacks.

Protection against brute force attacks

Implement measures to prevent brute force attacks on your systems. This may include locking accounts after a set number of failed login attempts or implementing a CAPTCHA system.

Suspicious activity monitoring

Closely monitor user activity on your platform. Set alerts to detect anomalous behavior, such as login attempts from unknown locations or IP addresses.

You will be able to send notifications like the ones facebook sends when it detects a suspicious login.

Data backup and recovery

Make regular backups and store data in secure locations. This will help protect information in case of data loss or cyber attacks. 

Data control

Implement appropriate access levels for users so that they only have access to the information and functions necessary for their use. This will help limit the risk of exposure of sensitive data.

Security audits

Conduct regular security audits to identify potential gaps and vulnerabilities in your systems. This will allow you to correct problems before they are exploited by potential attackers.

What can you do to ensure your security as a user?

Use strong passwords

Choose strong and unique passwords for your online accounts. Combine upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Avoid using easily accessible personal information, such as your date of birth or pet's name, as hackers can easily guess it. Also, do not share your passwords with anyone and change them periodically.

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA).

2FA provides an additional layer of security by requiring a second verification method, such as a code sent to your cell phone, in addition to your password. This measure makes it more difficult for unauthorized access to your accounts, even if someone obtains your password.

Update your devices and applications

Software updates that reach your device usually contain security patches or fix vulnerabilities. So keeping your devices with the latest version helps ensure you are protected against cyber threats.

Be wary of suspicious emails and messages.

Often these messages serve to trick people and obtain personal information, so be careful not to click on links or download attachments from unknown or suspicious senders. Always verify the authenticity of messages before sharing confidential information.

Protect your Wi-Fi network

Make sure your wireless network has a secure password and encryption. Likewise, avoid performing operations that could expose your personal data with a public Wi-Fi connection.

Use a VPN

Virtual private networks, or VPNs, encrypt your Internet connection and hide your IP address to surf securely and anonymously.

Be careful when downloading applications

Download applications from trusted sources and official stores.

At BluePixel we help you to make your digital products secure and comply with the established standards so that you and your users are always safe. Be part of the blue family, contact us at